El Jardín - The Garden – Session 6

Session 6 / 7

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  • - Welcome ~ Bienvenido intro and song - 1m 49s
  • - Hello ~ Hola intro & song - 5m 39s
  • - Singing with instruments intro - 9m 34s
  • - We're Going to Play ~ Vamos a tocar intro & song - 9m 57s
  • - High & Low ~ Arriba y abajo intro & song - 13m 33s
  • - Instruments away! ~ ¡Guarda los instrumentos! - 15m 05s
  • - Actions ~ Acciones intro - 15m 30s
  • - Five Little Pigs ~ Cinco Cerdos intro & song - 16m 20s
  • - Row the Boat ~ Rema el bote intro & song - 19m 46s
  • - Let's go on an adventure to the garden! ~ ¡Vamos de aventura al jardín! - 22m 10s
  • - Magic Bag ~ La bolsa mágica - 24m 50s
  • - Buzzy Bee ~ Zum Zum Abeja song - 30m 45s
  • - Goodbye ~ Adiós intro & song - 35m 23s

Resources required

  • - Instruments
  • - Space for movement
  • - Paper flowers and hive to dance around (optional)
  • - Yourselves!

Join us on our musical journey and learn Spanish along the way as we make music, sing with actions, and enjoy the garden ~ el jardín.

Algo está zumbando en el jardín ~ something is buzzing in the garden. It’s a bee ~ es una abeja! Find out why these creatures are so special and enjoy buzzing ~ zumbando in our song ‘Buzzy Bee ~ Zum Zum Abeja.

Key Words & Phrases

There is no requirement at all for practitioners to be able to speak any level of Spanish to enjoy our sessions and our focus word is always accompanied with phonetic spelling.

But just to help out, here's a couple of words and phrases that will be useful to listen out for:

una abeja (oo-nah ah-beh-hah) a bee
la miel (lah mee-yehl)honey
zumba (thoohm-bah)(it) buzzes
arriba (ah-rree-bah)up
abajo (ah-bah-hoh)down
una flor (oo-nah flohr)a flower
tomando (toh-mahn-doh)drinking
el nectar (ehl nehk-tahr)the nectar
la colmena (lah kohl-meh-nah)the hive
mi barriga (mee bah-rree-gah)my tummy
está ocupada (ehs-tah oh-koo-pah-doh)it's busy
mañana (mah-nyah-nah)tomorrow
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